First, we went to see New Moon at the theater. It was good, but we were reminded why we usually watch movies in the comfort of our own home. Movies are SO expensive, and so is the popcorn. And no one will pause the movie in a theater for the pregnant woman who has to go the bathroom. And the chairs really aren't that comfortable. Anyway, after the movie, we had dinner at Ippolito's, which was very yummy! It's not often that I can talk Dave into Italian food, but they had calzones on the menu, so he had one of those.
Sunday morning, we met the kids at church when we got there. I'm not sure they particularly noticed our arrival, but I suppose they were happy to see us.
Dave is off of school for the week, so he kept the kids Monday morning while I went to the doctor and did a few errands. He got the Nintendo hooked up and let Caleb try his hand at Duck Hunt. The Nintendo is probably over 20 years old, but it still works and apparently can still keep kids entertained.
In baby news, I have been having contractions off and on since Friday, so something is definitely happening. I got my hospital bag packed and the bassinet set up yesterday, so now pretty much all is left is for the baby to decide to come.
You should just give me your log-in info so that I can fix typos when I spot them: hospital bad packed
wow... good ol' duck hunt!
yay!!! let's hope Jo comes out before the 10th!
Posted by Emily at 4:18 AM???
What are you doing up at that time in the morning?
Anyways, hope all goes well with the delivery! Does this mean no Thanksgiving Day Black Friday Shopping?
how does dave not like italian food?? i am shocked and appalled.
how are you feeling now emily? still getting contractions?
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