Today is exactly one month until my due date. I'm really hoping (as I'm sure you could guess) that she decides to make her appearance at least a few days early, but we shall see.
How Big is the Baby at 36 Weeks Pregnant?
By 36 weeks pregnant your baby is now 5.9 pounds and is about 18.6 inches or more long! Your little one will soon enter the ranks of heavyweight champs as you continue pregnancy week by week and he approaches delivery!
Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby is still working on putting on weight during pregnancy week 36. While that may not seem very exciting, keep in mind this is his primary job from now until delivery. Round babies are healthy babies. This is probably the one time in your baby's life they can put on pounds with wild abandon. If you were to peak inside your womb, you'd probably see your baby giddy with glee.
Did you know that some researchers believe your baby actually releases a signal to trigger labor? There are actually several different theories. Some believe that when your baby's brain is completely mature it sends a signal to the fetal adrenal glands. These glands then start to secrete the hormone cortisol, which may alter the metabolism of estrogen and progesterone, resulting in labor.
Other researchers have postulated that the fetal lungs secrete signals indicating they are mature, as well as enzymes that result in the release of prostaglandins, which help the cervix ripen and help the uterus to contract. This is highly likely as the body does release prostaglandins around the time of birth.
Your Growth and Development
You are round and beautiful during pregnancy 36 weeks. Your uterus during pregnancy at 36 weeks is now more than 5 and a half inches from your navel. You may think you simply can't get any bigger by pregnancy at 36 weeks, but don't forget you still have four weeks of growing left! Some women may even have a little bit more!
The capacity of the uterus and abdomen to stretch during pregnancy is truly a remarkable phenomena. At no other time will the body transform at such a rapid rate than during pregnancy. Amazingly, while it takes nine months for the uterus to stretch to several times its normal size during pregnancy, by your six week checkup it will be back to its normal pre-pregnancy size already.
Changes in YouYou are probably getting more and more anxious for delivery by 36 weeks pregnant. You probably still have a good 4 to 5 weeks to go however even at 36 weeks pregnant, particularly if this is your first pregnancy. Full term is defined as gestation between 37 and 41 weeks. That means your baby could come any time between then and that would be perfectly normal.
You said "one day" but I think you meant "one month."
Wishful thinking.
I like the little girl peaking around the corner in this photo!
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