Fast forward to 7:30, when Caleb walked into my room and said, "Why are you still sleeping, Mommy? It's sunny today." I told him to go potty and then he climbed into bed with me to watch TV while I woke up. Alexa slept until I woke her up 9:00 a.m., which is unheard of for her. She told me that one ear hurt and the other was okay. So I tried to call the pediatrician, but there were 17 calls ahead of me. I didn't have time to wait on hold because we had somewhere that we needed to be at 10:00.
We ran our errands and came home. Alexa was a bit grumpy while we were gone, but not too bad. When we got home, though, she completely fell apart. So I decided to call the doctor again. They did not have any more appointments for today, but the nurse called back and said they would work her in at 2:00, which of course is right in the middle of her naptime. I made lunch quickly so I could feed her and put her down for a short, early nap before her appointment. She was too grumpy to even eat lunch, so I gave her some more Motrin and put her down for a nap.
I had to wake her up around 1:30 and give her lunch in the car so we could get to her appointment. We actually got called back pretty quickly. She was acting completely fine by this point, probably due to the Motrin and nap. The doctor checked her first ear and said it was fine. But when he checked the ear she had been complaining about, he did find an ear infection. So I'm glad I did decided to take her in. He prescribed her an antibiotic (her first that I can remember), ear drops, and a cough medicine. We went to CVS after the doctor and got her prescriptions filled.
When we got home, she ate a snack and happily played outside, but by dinner time, she was losing it again. She begged to go to bed, so we put her down at 6:15. So I am heading to bed soon as well because I'm sure she will wake me up bright and early tomorrow.
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