

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Kids in Costumes

As we have in previous years here, here, and here, we planned to take the kids to the Reformation party at my parents' church last night. Unfortunately for Alexa, she came down with a 102 fever yesterday afternoon and didn't get to go. And my mom was down helping my grandma, so she didn't get to go either. But Dave did take this cute cow (after 4 years of being a monkey) and cute lion, and Gramps met them there and chased Jordanna around for the night. And Caleb and Jordanna shared their candy with Alexa when they got home.

And there were these adorable princesses wandering around my house tonight. Alexa still had a fever when I put her to bed; hopefully she'll feel better tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Caleb was in the shower because he threw up in the van right as Dave arrived at church tonight (I was home with sick Alexa). We THINK he was just car sick and really hope there will be no more throw up tonight (or ever for that matter, but that's probably highly unlikely as parents of 3 almost 4 children).


Laura said...

what's the verdict, just car sickness? Poor guy.

EmilyV said...

I think just car sickness. He didn't throw up again and asked when dinner was because he was starving.

Laura said...

That's a good sign :P