

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Sweet Sierra

And Jordanna, too, but this post is about Sierra.

I took Sierra for her cranial ultrasound on Friday.  Afterwards, the tech told me that our doctor would get the report in 2-3 days.  After playing phone tag with our doctor on Monday, I finally was able to talk to him and get the results.  He said first of all not to worry and that in two places on the report it said that the findings were okay.  But, they did find two abnormalities.  First, she has two cysts in the right ventricle.  The concern about these is that they could obstruct the flow of spinal fluid.  She also likely has BESSI (Benign Enlargement of the Subarachnoid Spaces of Infancy) Syndrome.  Her doctor stressed that the first word of this is benign.  Basically, from what I can tell, she will have a big head until she is two at which point it will even out.  However, her head will probably always be above the 90th percentile.

So, where do we go from here?  Well, not being an expert in the brain, Sierra's pediatrician referred us to a pediatric neurosurgeon (side note - what a blessing to live close to one of the top 3 children's hospitals in the country).  I spoke with them yesterday, and her doctor faxed the surgeon her reports. So now we wait to see if the neurosurgeon wants to see her for more testing, or if he concurs with the radiologist who said on the report that she was fine.

In the meantime, we would covet your prayers for our sweet Sierra and for wisdom for us and for her doctors.


Katie Edwards said...

Praying for your sweet girl!

Oma said...

Praying....keep us updated!