

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Teaching Time

I'm going to be honest.  Homeschooling is hard work.  There are days I just want to ship them off to school.  And go shopping without four kids.  And clean my house and catch up on laundry.  But there are sweet and fun moments that make the hard days worth it.

I bought Jordanna some workbooks on clearance at Target the other day.  She LOVES having her own school books to do and begs for school time every day.
Caleb has to read for 25 minutes a day for his reading log for school (he usually ends up reading more than that).  He spent those minutes the other day reading to his sisters.  Alexa eventually wandered off, but Jordanna stayed and listened the whole time.
Everyone working together at the kitchen table.
And Sierra playing nearby on the floor.
I am so blessed to get to be Mom and Teacher to these 4 precious little people.  Feel free to remind me of that at 4:00 p.m. most days.

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