

Friday, March 29, 2013

The Crud and an Update

If you've notice the lack of blogging around here lately, the reason (besides the obvious craziness of life with 4 children) is the crud.  Sunday night, both Alexa and Caleb started throwing up, and it has passed through everyone but Dave and Sierra in one form or another.  Caleb spent 4 days in bed, which is SO unlike him.  We both missed school on Tuesday, and didn't do any work at all at home until this afternoon.  Dave stayed home a few days, and I had to call my parents to help one day.  BUT, we are on the mend and can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Anyway, here are the 4 pictures that I found on my camera since the last time I posted.  Here's to a better week next week!

Sierra "cooking" and helping me get ready for a muffin swap we hosted last Thursday.  Everyone who came brought a dozen muffins for each person to take home plus some to share that day.  I made some eggs and some fruit, and we enjoyed sampling muffins.  The kids went outside to play for awhile despite the 30 something degree weather.
Sierra watching Sesame Street. She loves it!
Apparently Alexa found my camera.
Proof that we are getting old.  Dave made breakfast for me on Sunday morning and included my medicine, so I wouldn't forget to take it.

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