The fair had free admission and free rides again this morning. Since Dave is out of town, my mom came over to take the kids to the fair with me. She and my dad are actually going again tonight to hear a concert, and they will get in for free then by bringing 5 non-perishable food items each for Must Ministries. I'm all about getting things for free these days, including admission to the fair.
Anyway, here are some pictures.
Let me out of this stroller, Mom!

I'm not going to look at you or smile.

Riding the carousel.

And the boats.

The cars. Alexa actually didn't ride this one because she got bored waiting for it to start.

Riding the elephant ride. He's actually almost smiling.

Fishing with Grammy.

Caught one!

The bubbles, perhaps their favorite part of the morning.

Bubbles are so fun!

More bubbles.
When Caleb is on those rides, he reminds me of the Mr. Bean skit where Mr. Bean falls asleep on the roller coaster.
Mr. Bean rides the roller coaster:
my what big shoes alexa has!
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