

Monday, September 22, 2008

Super Savings at CVS and Publix

CVS - I paid $1.35.
I bought:
1 pack Huggies diapers
2 Huggies Cleanteam wipes
4 boxes Kleenex
1 Ambi face cream (which went straight into the donation box)
1 Adidas deodorant (which Dave says smells like Tennis players)
1 Nivea for Men body wash

Publix - I paid $8.84. I saved $21.04, or 70%.
I bought:
3 Fantastik cleaners
3 bananas
6 pack Publix spring water (penny item)
Olive Oil
Chinet cups
Zone perfect bar

Check out Fiddledeedee! for more Publix savings.

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