Week 8
How Big is the Baby at Eight Weeks Pregnant?
Think bean! By pregnancy week 8 your baby is anywhere from 14 to 20mm long, or about the size of a Lima bean! Many women in fact continue to refer to their baby as their little 'bean' as they follow their pregnancy week by week. Though it is hard to believe your little bean will one day grow into a full size baby!
Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby is doing a lot of growing during pregnancy 8 weeks. Up until this point in time your baby had a small tail... that starts to disappear this week, and your little one will soon have eyelids to cover their blossoming eyes. While the arms and legs are also lengthening, the fingers and toes are likely to still be webbed. Your baby's brain is also maturing during pregnancy week 8, as nerve cells begin to connect with one another, forming the groundwork for communication later in life.
Did you know the tip of your baby's nose is even formed by pregnancy 8 weeks? The lungs are also working hard at maturing by pregnancy week 8, though they won't be fully mature until near term. However, tubes leading from your baby's throat to the lungs begin to form branches.
By week eight your baby should also have distinct elbows, which allow the arms to curve around the chest. Your baby's organs continue to develop with lightning quick speed. Before you have time to even blink an eye your little one will resemble a miniature human being, complete with ten fingers, ten toes, skin and all the body parts we all have!
i know you give birth to big children... but are you sure you are only 2 months along???
Yep, I'm pretty sure.
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