

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Not Turning Four

We have been trying, very unsuccessfully so far, to potty train Caleb. He turns four in July, so I have been telling him that four year olds have to go to the potty. They are not allowed to wear diapers. He responded that he is not going to be four; he is three. So I told him that when he turns four, he gets to have a party, cake, and presents, but he has to go potty. Last night out of the blue, he told me, "No presents. I not turn four. I not go potty." So apparently I am going to have a non-potty trained three-year-old forever. It sure feels that way sometimes!


Joan said...

Go ahead and buy all the party accoutrements, put them out where he can see them, but tell him they're for Alexa since he isn't going to be four. That may change his tune. :o)

Halyna said...

hahahahahahahaha wow. stubborn little guy!

DreArt said...

we'd all love to be young forever and have someone else wipe our bums!!

Oma and Opa said...

Or when old people get older they also need their bums wiped.

Joan - Alexa will have her party before Caleb anyways so when Caleb sees how much fun a birthday party can be he might change his tune.