

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Weekend Happenings and Dinner Mishap

It's been a pretty boring day around here. Dave took a load to the dump this morning and then returned my parents' truck. My mom then brought him home, so we did get to see Grammy for a bit. Both kids have caught the cold that I had earlier in the week. They didn't seem to be bothered by it too much and managed to play outside twice today since the weather was beautiful. I enjoyed a nice long nap this afternoon and even managed to roll over and go back to sleep after a cute little girl opened my door and said, "Hi, Mommy."

Tonight I was grilling steaks for dinner when it became apparent that the propane tank on the grill needs replacing. I have another tank, but it is empty, too. Oops! So I took the steaks off the grill and put them on the broiler pan to finish inside. I then reached around to turn the propane tank off. On the way back up, my tummy hit the pan and knocked the steaks onto the porch, which is in desperate need of sweeping and is also quite covered with ants. Double oops! So, Dave cleaned up the steaks and then took us to IHOP for dinner since kids eat free there right now.

After dinner we went to pick up my check and stuff from the consignment sale I participated in this week. I made $150 dollars, but I still had LOTS of items that did not sell. Good thing Molly and I are planning a yard sale at her house next month. And I will probably register to sell at one more consignment sale as well.


Oma and Opa said...

Tut, Tut, What a shame! Steaks should never go uneaten!

Dave said...

I cried a little bit on the inside