

Friday, January 14, 2011

Still Stuck

I've heard reports of people finally getting out and about today. But not me. Our road is still HORRIBLE. In fact, our mailman had to park and deliver my mail on foot. He said our road was the worst spot on his whole route.

Here's what it looks like right now. It looks like snow, but it's really pretty much just ice. You can see on the bottom corner the clear driveway since Dave shoveled it.
Looking the other direction
If you look all the way across the cul-de-sac, you can see the clear, dry road on the other side.
And here's our yard.
Next time we get 6 inches of snow (like 15 years from now or something), I'm making Dave shovel a path through the cul-de-sac when he shovels our driveway.


Dave said...

I might shovel the cul-de-sac if I had a snow shovel (and not the neighbor's garden shovel)

DreArt said...

Hahahahahaha sorry but you should see OUR road

Joan said...

So you still didn't get to go to the grocery store?

Oma and Opa said...

OR an ice pic