

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Field Trip

As you can probably imagine, we have not done many field trips this school year.  Being hugely pregnant first semester and having a newborn second semester were slight deterrents.  But, we had a school wide field trip to an ancient history museum today, and I decided that there was safety in numbers since there would be lots of extra hands if I needed help.

Anyway, while Caleb and Alexa began the tour with the group, I took Jordanna and Sierra outside so that they could both have a snack.

Then we joined the group.  We stayed a few steps behind so that we wouldn't disturb or distract the students.  Pay attention, Caleb!
Alexa had a slight meltdown from being left with the group while I went to feed Sierra.  So she sat in the stroller for awhile to recover.  I put Sierra in her lap for a few minutes.  Jordanna intently focused on the I-pod.
Caleb looking at a mummy.  They saw artifacts from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Rome, Greece, and more.
It was so exciting that Jordanna fell asleep.
And so did Sierra.

Looking at a statue of Tiberius.
Part of the gang after the tour.
After the museum, we went out for a pizza lunch.
Jordanna snuggled with Caleb's teacher, Mrs. Jones, while I dealt with Sierra.
Eventually, I passed Sierra off to the table of moms of my students so that I could finish my lunch.  All in all, it was a good day and a successful trip with my passel of children.

1 comment:

Oma said...

We always liked that pose that Caleb does (looking at the statue)
He did that when he was here in Canada when he was 2...waiting for Opa to come home.