

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Five Months

Here's what Sierra is up to at five months -
-Weighs approximately 13 pounds.
-Wears 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. She wears cloth about half the time.  She has to wear a size 3 diaper to bed or she leaks.
-Still spits up, but it does seem to be getting better.
-Has started eating solid foods for 2 main reasons.  One, she still won't take a bottle, so the babysitter stirs her milk into rice or oatmeal cereal and feeds her that way.  Two, she seemed very uncomfortable and wasn't pooping often, so I've given her prunes and pears for that.  She has also tried squash.  So far, she likes it all.
-Still sleeps with her paci.  When she loses it, she searches around with her mouth and can sometimes get it back in
-Gnaws on her hands a lot and has also found her toes.
-Still likes the swing and the play mat. She actually plays with the toys on the play mat now rather than lying around and staring at them.
-Shows interest in toys now and will put them in her mouth.
-Still takes 3-4 naps a day.  Once school is out on Tuesday, I plan to work her into 3 naps a day consistently.
-Eats about every 3 hours.
-Wakes 1 or 2 times most nights.
-Laughs and seems to be ticklish.
-Is able to lift her head while on her stomach and in general controls her head much better now.  Still a ways to go, though. 
-Rolls from front to back.

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