

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Dave and my mom (who was a Braves fan when no one was a Braves fan) took Caleb and Alexa to the Braves game on Monday.  Apparently it wasn't too hot, and they had lots of junk food and a good time.  Unfortunately the Braves lost for the 8th time in a row.

Here's Grammy holding a grumpy looking Alexa.
Caleb eating peanuts.
Sitting in the big chair.
One the way home with a lump on his head from falling out of the big chair.
Sweaty Alexa.

1 comment:

DreArt said...

Caleb looks tough now with his hair cut and now scraps and bumps! Make sure there's no concussion traits stemming from the head bump... ;-)