

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Daily Happenings

Wednesday tends to be a busy day around here since I teach on Thursday. I have to finish my copying and lesson planning, and today was no exception. Also on Wednesdays, the kids and I got to story time at the library. Today was the last story time until June, so I didn't want to miss it. To top it off we are having prayer meeting at our house in just a bit, so I needed to do some house cleaning. And I have plans with Molly and my mom on Friday to prepare some meals for the freezer, so I needed to get some extra housework done since I am busy on Friday.

So, here's what my day looked like -
-threw our sheets in the washer
-changed, dressed, and fed both kids
-vacuumed the downstairs before the kids dragged all the toys out
-fed me
-mopped the kitchen
-decided to mop the upstairs bathroom, had to vacuum them first
-went on front porch to dump mop water and decided to mop porch
-jumped in for a quick shower before story time since I was now covered in pollen
-threw sheets in dryer
-got ready, changed diaper, packed bags
-sang and danced at story time and checked out a few books for the kids
-went to the UPS store to make copies
-did some lesson plans while Alexa colored and Caleb watched a movie
-both kids went to play upstairs while I continued my school work and made lunch
-went upstairs to clean up the disaster zone the kids had made while playing upstairs
-vacuumed upstairs
-put kids down for nap
-put sheets on bed and started another load of laundry
-called Wellstar about my hospital bill
-finished lesson plans
-got Caleb and did school
-finished cutting my coupons from Sunday and cleaned off the dining room table
-made a grocery list
-got Alexa up from her nap
-put clothes in dryer
-got everyone a snack
-played outside for almost an hour
-waited for Dave to get home so I could tell him that I was not making dinner
-went to Chickfila :)

After prayer meeting, it is off to bed for me. I'm tired!


Molly said...

You forgot "talked to Molly on the phone" - the most important part of your day too (well, except for Chick fil A, of course).

EmilyV said...

Well, that's a given. I do that almost everyday. :)

Joan said...

You forgot "traded coupons with Mom."