

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Early Saturday

For some reason unbeknownst to me, Caleb decided that it would be fun to wake up at 6:40 this morning and turn on the light to wake up Alexa. And Alexa decided it would be fun to take off her pants and diaper and sit in her bad half naked waiting for Mommy to come get her. Neither of these things seem particularly fun to me, but what do I know?

So, since we were already up, my helper and I made chocolate chip pancakes and bacon for breakfast.

The kids ate theirs while watching a little PBS kids. I got the camping chair out yesterday when Alexa and Caleb had a friend over so that they could all sit at the table. Alexa insisted on sitting in it this morning even though she had to reach up to get her food.

1 comment:

Oma and Opa said...

It looks like the sun is still sleeping.