

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Snow on Spring Break and Other Stuff

Perhaps you Canadian readers are used to having snow on Spring break, but us Southerners were very surprised to see flurries this morning. I cannot remember ever having snow on Spring break before except for when we have been in Canada visiting Dave's parents during that time. We planned to go camping tomorrow but we have decided to wait until Thursday to avoid freezing our poor children.

We had a productive but fairly boring day around here. I spent the better part of the morning packing away my winter clothes (despite the snow flurries) and getting out my summer clothes. In the process, I also cleaned and organized the master closet. As most of you know, my home is always fairly clean and clutter free. Just don't look in the closets! Keeping them organized is not my strong point.

Dave spent most of the morning in the garage sorting out the camping stuff and starting to load the van. The kids ran back and forth between "helping" him and "helping" me.

Then we went out to lunch and to Target to get some Rubbermaid containers for the camping gear and for my closet and clothes organization. We also got the kids a few outdoor toys and a new coloring book to take camping with us.


Halyna said...

yay snow!

We got more up here too... more tomorrow yet as well. makes working outside lots of fun. at least i got my toque :)

Joan said...

You lose your A+ grammar award from Facebook. "Perhaps you Canadian readers are used to having snow on Spring break, but us Southerners were very surprised to see flurries this morning." Can you spot your mistake?

Dave said...

It should be "we Southerners..." instead of "us Southerners."

I'm always correcting her grammar.

Joan said...

And she's always correcting your math?

Dave said...

She only corrects my math about one third or 25% of the time.

Molly said...

Oh, my bad. I thought the mistake was in thinking Canadians can read.


EmilyV said...

Technically, I also think spring should not be capitalized. But it's my blog, and I can use whatever grammar I want.

DreArt said...

haha it was 19 degrees and sunny here! and I'm further north than anyone here....not to rub it in...

careful Molly! That's a touchy subject haha :P