

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Teaching Time

Our author this week was H.A. Rey. Most notably, he wrote the Curious George books, but we read a few of his other books as well. We also watched two different Curious George movies.
In one book we read, Curious George made paper airplanes. I took advantage of Dave being home and got him to help the kids make airplanes.

We also made Curious George puppets and monkey muffins.

For some math fun, we placed place value bingo.

We also worked some with math blocks. Alexa got a little help from Dave.


Unknown said...

where did you get monkeys for monkey muffins?

Oma and Opa said...

Is it so bright in the house that Alexa is wearing sunglasses...or is that Dave shinning so brightly?
Good stuff for school....school was never that much fun.