

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

For Your Viewing Pleasure

Caleb playing computer
Dave playing Mario while Jordanna chews on the cord.
Princess Alexa helping Dave with the yard work.

Jordanna and Mommy ready for church
Caleb and Alexa playing Wii boxing

Alexa focusing on her coloring and refusing to look at the camera

Alexa taking a break from playdough to drink some freshly squeezed orange juice

Jordanna hanging out in her high chair while Mommy cooks
I put Jordanna on this blanket with a few toys, and somehow she managed to end up under the blanket.


Oma and Opa said...

Did Alexa wave her magic wand to make the yard work go away?
Nice pictures...
Nice colouring job, Alexa
and you might as well forget the blanket idea.

DreArt said...

I like Alexa's princess sandals.