

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Fun in the Sun and Other Stuff

The kids and I headed to Molly's house today to go swimming in her neighborhood pool. Alexa had a lot of fun chilling in her crab float, and Caleb played on the stairs with his beach ball. Molly packed us a yummy picnic lunch. Val and his mommy came, too. Unfortunately, no one remembered her camera, so no pictures today.

We bought the kids a new playset for their upcoming birthdays, and it arrived today while we were gone swimming. Dave stayed home and did some yard work and waited for the delivery. Now he gets the fun task of putting it together.

Dave's parents arrive tomorrow, and his dad is going to help Dave (or vice versa) add a deck on the back of our house. Of course, today was one of the first days this summer that the temperature was over 90 degrees. Hopefully, it will cool down a bit, and our backyard is pretty shaded.

Tomorrow the kids and I are going to be out and about again, this time for a get together with some ladies from our church. We are mostly getting together just for fun, but we are also going to teach some of the ladies how to get the deals at CVS.


Halyna said...

have fun with mom and pops!

T and B Rowe said...

that looks like a great swingset. can't wait to see photos of your new deck.