

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Blogging Live From...

...the hospital. This morning I was headed to meet Molly at the mall. I made one stop at Rite Aid and then got back in the car. Just a bit down the road, I started to feel faint. I thought that I should pull over, and I began to pray. Next thing I knew, I was waking up and there was a couple standing by my car talking to my children. The lady asked me if I was okay and then encouraged me to tell my children we were okay. I realized that I must have passed out and had an accident. I called Dave, and he left school immediately. As I later pieced the whole story together, I flew through an intersection (fortunately the light was green at the time), smashed a yield sign, went through 2 poles without hitting them and then hit the brick sign in front of a Waffle House. The kids were absolutely fine (Side note, but that is why I am so obsessive about car seats. The car seats were very nice ones, installed properly, and the harnesses were tightened properly, and my children escaped completely unscathed). I have just a few bumps and bruises, but we decided it would be prudent for me to go to the emergency room to be checked for what might have caused the fainting. My dad soon arrived to take Caleb and Alexa home, and Dave drove me to the hospital. The emergency room doctor almost immediately told me that I would be admitted so that they could monitor my heart for 24 hours. So here I sit hooked up to my monitors and blogging and waiting for 18 Kids and Counting to come on TV at 9:00.

Despite the scary day I have had, I have several things to praise God for today -
- that my children and I are safe and not injured
-that I hit a sign not another car or a person
-that I was able to tell several people today that I was praying when the accident happened and that God protected me
-for the sweet couple who witnessed the accident and helped keep me and my children calm
-for my husband, parents, best friend, and church family who have cared for me and the kids today
-for modern medicine

I'll update tomorrow once I get some word about what might have caused the fainting. So far all the tests I've had have come back fine. I should be going home sometime tomorrow.


Molly said...

I'm so thankful that you are ok. Praise the Lord for His protection over you and Caleb and Alexa today.

Dave said...

I'm glad you're okay, too. Let's NOT do this again :-P

Katie said...

Aaaah, Emily! I'm so glad you are okay! - twinsmomkatie

Anonymous said...

Emily, glad you and the kids are okay. How frightening that must have been for you all! Take care.

Halyna said...

Hope you/the doctors find out what caused this! Glad you are ok. :)

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

OMW!!! Glad you're safe.