

Monday, March 30, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

My goal this week is not to go to the grocery store until Saturday and then only to pick up a few necessities. This week and next week, we will be eating from the pantry and the freezer (which are stuffed full). So, here's what's on the menu this week.

Tonight - T-bone steak, potatoes au gratin, broccoli

Tuesday - Barber chicken breasts, pasta, green beans

Wednesday - Pork tenderloin, rice, corn

Thursday - Pasta Carbonara, garlic bread, Caesar salad

Friday - Hamburgers, hotdogs, homemade French fries, applesauce

Saturday - To be decided

Sunday - Lunch at church, bringing a vegetable and maybe something else


Oma and Opa said...

What do you do with your pork tenderloin? Sometimes it's on sale for $2.99 per lb.

EmilyV said...

The ones I bought were pre-marinated, so I just roast them, slice, and serve.

DreArt said...

all you are eating on sunday is a vegetable? (and maybe something else?)

EmilyV said...

No, we have lunch at church on Sunday. Hopefully other people will bring a main dish. :)