

Friday, March 13, 2009

Caleb and Alexa's New Rides

The kids' new car seats (to replace the ones that were in my van when I wrecked it) arrived via UPS today. I must admit that I am a bit obsessed with matching and with car seat safety, but don't you think these are pretty? They look so nice together and are some of the best car seats on the market. I had these same seats (in boring blue and gray) in my van when I had my accident last week, and the kids were completely unharmed. They weren't even crying. Now, all I need is a van to put the seats in. We plan to go shopping tomorrow afternoon while Molly and Nick watch the kids, so hopefully I will have pictures for you tomorrow night.


Joan said...

Don't forget all the advice from your guerrilla-car-shopper mom.

DreArt said...

why did u need to get new ones?

EmilyV said...

You are supposed to replace car seats after an accident.

DreArt said...

oh... good to know! :)