

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thankful Thursday

My students and I were discussing the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving in class today. Obviously I am thankful for God, my family, my friends, etc., but here, in no apparent order, are 10 other fun, random things I am thankful for.

1) Starbucks gift cards and the free grande vanilla latte I had this morning

2) Smoothies because my kids ingest fruit and calcium without a fight

3) Gasoline and especially the fact that I did not need to get any to make it to school or back home today

4) Coupons not only because they save me money but also because they have become a fun hobby

5) Caller ID which we just got in the last few months so that I don't have to answer dumb, annoying phone calls

6) Chickfila because it is yummy, both my kids like it, and not having to cook makes me happy

7) Dora the Explorer for keeping Caleb entertained while I do grading and lesson planning

8) Dark chocolate, enough said

9) Cute hair clips for days like today when I do not feel like messing with a curling iron

10) Calculators not for doing math but for keeping my kids happy while in the car or at a store

What are you thankful for today?


Molly said...

I'm thankful for my best friend! :)

Joan said...

Modern pharmeceuticals.

Joan said...

By-the-way, I think you should edit "gas" to "gasoline." It threw me there for a minute.

EmilyV said...

People who comment on my blog. :)