

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Busy Holiday Weekend

Yesterday, we planned to go blueberry picking with some friends from church. I called on Tuesday, the day the farm opened, and was assured that they had plenty of blueberries. Well, we got there yesterday morning, and they told us that they barely had any ripe blueberries because they had about 500 people come on their first day open. Molly and I walked around for 10-15 minutes and only got about 12 berries. So we decided to give up and let Caleb play on the playground there, instead. Once everyone else arrived, we headed out for a yummy (but very slow) lunch. Later in the day, I went to Aldi to purchase blueberries on sale for $1.99 this week, but they were completely out. Apparently no one wants to sell me any blueberries.

Tonight we are meeting my parents at the Cheesecake Factory for a belated birthday dinner for Alexa (6/27) and my mom (6/5). Yummm! I plan to get a much needed haircut first. I actually can't remember when my last one was.

Tomorrow, we are heading over to my parents' house to play on their new Wii.

Saturday, we are having a combined birthday party for Alexa's first birthday and Caleb's third birthday. The theme is Sesame Street including Pin the Nose on the Elmo, Elmo and Big Bird coloring sheets, and Hide and Seek with the Sesame Street characters. Caleb picked out a cake with Elmo and Big Bird on it from Publix last week, and he has been begging for an Elmo balloon every time we've been to the grocery store for weeks, so I plan to get one for his party.

On Sunday, I'm teaching Sunday School as usual, we have church and then fellowship lunch afterwards, then we'll hang out at Molly and Nick's house for th afternoon before we head back to church in the evening.

I'd ask what all of my loyal readers are doing this weekend, but I'll probably see half of you this weekend, and the other half live in Canada and don't have a holiday weekend. So, umm yeah.


Halyna said...

My past holiday weekend was full of fixing a flat tire and lying at a beach!! Its exciting times when the ice finally melts off the Great Lakes.

This weekend I'm going to the Italian Festival with Rob. Should be good times.

Have fun with the birthday party!!

EmilyV said...

The beach part sounds fun, but not the flat tire. Our Corolla has had WAY more than it's fair share of flats. Have fun with Rob.

Joan said...

Grammar police! No apostrophe in "it's".

EmilyV said...

Oh yeah. I knew that (since I am a grammar teacher and all).

Liz said...

Hey, so where is the blueberry farm??? (For next year) Where I grew up we had an apple farm and my grandparents have strawberry farms near them but I didn't know where to around here....

EmilyV said...

Liz - It's in Woodstock. They have a ton of berries left; they just need to ripen a bit still. They are open through the month of July.