

Friday, April 18, 2008

Grocery Budget Check-In and Menu Plan Friday

Okay, so as always there are things that got bumped from last week's menu to this week. As lovely as my menu looks posted on the fridge, I don't always make exactly what it says every night. It still helps greatly though for shopping and planning when I at least have some sort of menu. So, here goes.

Breakfast choices -
French toast sticks
English muffins

Lunch choices -
take Daddy his choice of fast food
chicken nuggets

Snack for church - muffins of some sort

Dinners -
Tonight - spaghetti, pizza (for Dave who does not like spaghetti), fried squash, garlic bread
Saturday - dinner at my parents' house
Sunday - sandwiches or leftovers
Monday - orange teriyaki chicken, brown rice, Asian mixed veggies
Tuesday - Eggs, bacon, hash browns, fruit
Wednesday - Bacon wrapped chicken, bread sticks, salad, honey glazed carrots
Thursday - homemade pizza, salad

Total spent in April - $266.97
Total remaining in April - $83.03

1 comment:

Molly said...

I'll be over for dinner on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. :) Make lots!