

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Non-napping Little Girl

Apparently Alexa has decided that she only needs to take one nap on Sundays. Depsite not sleeping through the night EVER, she really is a pretty good napper. She takes 2 naps a day around 9:30 and 2:00 for a total of 3 - 3.4 hours. Well, last Sunday Molly tried to put her down for a nap (she does this every Sunday because I teach Sunday School) in the crib room at church. Same routine and room as usual. She had her blankie and paci. Well she SCREAMED bloody murder and absolutely refused to go to sleep. So I gave up and let her play with her friends Val and Clara in the nursery. She fell asleep in the car on the way home and slept until 2 something. We decided that was a decent enough nap and went to church last Sunday night.

So fast forward to today. I put her down for a nap at church this morning while Molly was watching my Sunday School kids. She went down with a bit of fussing but no screaming and slept almost an hour. That's a pretty good nap for her considering she was not at home in her crib. We went to the Powells' house for lunch, and I put Alexa down in the crib there after lunch. She has napped at their house several times before. Well, you guessed it. No nap. She kept throwing all her pacis out of the crib, chewing on her blanket, and being loud. Caleb didn't nap either. So we decided to go on home about 4:00 and not go to the evening service. I figured Alexa would fall asleep in the car. Nope. I nursed her after we got home and figured she would fall asleep then. Nope. She went to bed at her normal bedtime like she had not missed a nap and had not been awake since 11:15 a.m., the longest stretch of time she has ever been awake in her life. She turned 10 months old today, and Dave said that she is a big girl now and napping is for babies. No way is my 10 month old getting rid of naps yet! Maybe she will reward us for chasing her all afternoon by sleeping through the night. One can only hope. Good night, everyone.

1 comment:

Dave said...

I think the common denominator is Aunt Molly.