

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Back to School Fun

The school Dave teaches at hosted a Back to School Picnic tonight. Dave had to go, and the kids and I went because there was food. And I'll gladly take any excuse not to make dinner AND not to pay for dinner. I didn't take my camera because I didn't figure there would be any picture taking opportunities. However, I wished I had it with me. They had inflatable play things set up for the kids. Caleb had a grand time playing in the train and on the slide. And if it wasn't for the almost 100 degree temperatures, we might have let him play longer. As it was, his face matched the red striped t-shirt he was wearing. Well, except for the striped part. Dave even took Alexa up on the slide on time, and she thought she was hot stuff. Two other highlights of the evening were seeing some of my former students who are now in high school (hard to believe) and getting new Covenant College t-shirts from the booth they had set up. One of the admissions reps even gave Dave his card and said to e-mail him with the kids' sizes and he would send them t-shirts. Fun, fun.


Joan said...

So which former students are now going to be at Dominion?

Dave said...

Correction: Alexa even took Dave up on the slide one time, and he thought he was hot stuff.