

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Chocolate, Anyone?

The kids and I headed out this morning to the library and Walgreens since we had to abort our errands yesterday. Well, I'm glad to report that we were successful today.

I got 4 bags of Hershey's Bliss dark chocolate, and 8 packages of Bic pens. My total was $1.48, and I will be getting back $5.50 in rebates. Caleb and I happily ate one piece of dark chocolate each on the way to the library, and I may have had another one after lunch accidentally.


Joan said...

You forgot to accidentally sell me some $2 chocolate.

DreArt said...

I would have "accidently" eaten all of the chocolates....

EmilyV said...

Mom - Yeah, and Daddy forgot his leftovers.

Andrea - I have bought 14 bags of chocolate this week. It's hard to accidentally eat that many even for me.

Halyna said...

If you have too much, I will gladly help you with those. Somehow. :)