

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It Finally Happened

I had to take a screaming child home and completely abort my errands for the day. My kids are usually pretty good in public as they love people watching and that keeps them quiet and happy. Apparently, though, Caleb got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. We had to return some books at the library, and I was going to get the kids a new movie and some more books while we were there. Caleb could not decide on a movie and kept whining at every choice. Then he wanted the one that Alexa was holding. I finally told him that if he didn't stop crying, we would leave the library without a movie. And then I did, dragged him out whining and crying all the way with no movie and no books. (I did snag a magazine before all this started, so at least I have some new reading material.) We were going to stop at Walgreens while we were out, but it quickly became apparent that that was not going to work either. Instead we headed home. He's still up in his room until he is finished crying and whining; we'll see how long that lasts.


Annette Feschbaum said...

Oh boy, I dread that day for myself with my little guy . . . Hopefully that is the first and last time for you!

Joan said...

Amazing that you went over three years without a scenario like that.