

Friday, August 29, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy Again

Yesterday was my first day of school. I am teaching English and History to four 5th and 6th graders one day a week. My first day went well. I seem to have a very sweet group of kids who are eager to learn. Our regular babysitter will be my friend Annette, but she is at the beach this week visiting the hurricane. So instead, another friend from church kept the kids in the morning, and Aunt Molly kept the in the afternoon. All in all, we had a good first day.

This morning, I ran to Kroger to get some groceries because my mom and Molly were coming over to prep some meals for the freezer. While I was there, I also got twenty-three four packs of Cottonelle toilet paper for free using coupons. I got a few comments and odd looks, but I guess that's to be expected when you have 92 rolls of toilet paper in your cart.

My mom and Molly got here around 11, and we made Tropical Chicken Ribbons, Cheesy Chicken Bundles, and Chicken Breast with Pesto Butter. It's great to have some meals ready in the freezer for when I don't feel like cooking. We also had a yummy lunch of four cheese ravioli in tomato basil sauce, mushroom ravioli in mushroom cream sauce, Romano and herb toast, and salad.

Tonight we are going to my parents' house and having Chinese for dinner. I am glad to a) not have to cook b) not have to pay for dinner, c) eat Chinese from my favorite Chinese restaurant that is too far away to deliver to our house, and d) hang out with my family.


Annette Feschbaum said...

No hurricane here! We missed it! But . . . looks like we'll be heading out as ole Gustav heads in . . . Tiny V is excited about hanging out with his pal Alexa and her big bro Caleb on Thursday!

EmilyV said...

I'm glad you missed the hurricane!

When I asked Caleb last Sunday who we were going to see at church, he listed Val as one of the people. Even before he said Aunt Molly.