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Sunday, August 17, 2008
Baseball pictures
We had really great seats last night. We were in the 2nd row back behind the away team dugout. Unfortunately, this meant that we were right in the line of fire for foul balls, so I actually had to pay some attention to the game to avoid being hit with a ball. One lady several rows behind us actually did get hit right in the face. Ouch! We were so close in that according to a few people, we even made it on TV. The kids survived with out us, although Alexa had a hard time going to sleep and woke up several times. When she woke up twice after we got home and were getting ready for bed, we determined that she had caught the cold that Caleb had earlier in the week. It was a long night for a little girl who had a stuffy nose and couldn't breathe well and for us, too. Anyway, here are some pictures from last night.
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