

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another Caleb-ism

Yesterday afternoon I had to go to the doctor, which is closer to Dave's work than it is to our house. So I packed the kids up, telling Caleb that Mommy had to go to the doctor, and we met Dave in the parking lot of the doctor's office so that he could take them back home. Because I really prefer not to have an audience for my annual exam. Anyway, Alexa was apparently fussing when they got home, and Caleb told her, "It's okay, Alexa. Mommy's fixing Doctor." I thought the doctor was supposed to fix me, but okay. :)

For those of you wondering about the verdict on my fainting episode, my iron and blood pressure are good. The doctor suggested drinking or eating before I shower and get ready in case it was a drop in my blood sugar. He said if it happened again to go see my family doctor (who probably won't even know who I am since I haven't been there since before Caleb was born).

1 comment:

Dave said...

I didn't bother correcting Caleb, either, since it made Alexa stop fussing