

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Caleb Funny

Caleb was helping me work on scrapbooks today. He loves looking at pictures. I was talking to him about the pictures, pointing out people. Here is you with Mommy. There's you with Daddy, etc. He was getting in on it, labeling people and things, too - baby, sissy (Alexa), Mommy, Daddy, Brett, Molly, ball, car. Only problem, every time he pointed to himself, he said, "You." I guess he was repeating me. Then at the dinner table tonight, he went around the table pointing at each person, Brett, Daddy, Mommy, baby, you. He was SO proud of himself.

1 comment:

Molly said...

That is too funny! I'm glad he is talking more. Now if he could only talk around me and say my name in my presence!!