

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Grocery Budget

I love to shop and cook and bake and eat, which means I have to work hard to control our grocery budget. With my new found love of couponing, I am hoping to shave some money off of our grocery budget. My goal for this month is $400, down from $500 in January. To keep myself accountable, I am going to post how I am doing on my blog. For right now, as I try to figure out the whole Walgreens and CVS systems, I am not going to include those in my budget, as I purchase mainly toiletries and household goods there. Right now I am going to focus strictly on money spent at grocery stores.

So, here's my totals so far for March -
Super Target - $9.65
Trader Joes - $12.00
Kroger - $27.24
Publix - $13.29

Total spent - $62.18
Total remaining - $337. 82

It feels like I have already spent too much since it is only March 4th, but the only ingredients I need to buy for dinner's next week are eggs and cream cheese, so I should be okay. We'll see how it goes.


Annette Feschbaum said...

What kinds of things do you get at Trader Joe's? I love that place! We get the greek style yogurt for V. (tho I may want to start making my own??), and I love their frozen foods. You are so good at keeping up with what you spend . . . I usually have not a clue and Costco is my big downfall . . .

Molly said...

Sounds like you can do it! Just go out to eat when you get to the end of your budget and don't count that! lol! :)

EmilyV said...

A - I got yogurt for Alexa but she hates it. Do you want the rest? I also got her some fake cheerios, and I got a frozen chicken meal we like.

M - Thanks for the help. :) We are going out twice for Dave's birthday, once with a gift certificate and once my parents' will pay.

Annette Feschbaum said...

sure, i'll take the yogurt if you can't use it. are you sure you can't use it some other way? for ex., I use yogurt instead of sour cream.

EmilyV said...

I don't think I'll use the rest of the yogurt since it is the whole milk kind. I always buy reduced fat sour cream.