

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Fun Day at Walgreens

I had quite a day at Walgreens today. I got everything in the picture below for -$13.55. Yes, you saw that negative sign correctly. Walgreens paid me (or will pay me) $13.55 to take all this home. Keep reading to find out how.

1) Gilette Venus Embrace Razor - Rang up for $12.49, but the cashier gave me the February price of $9.99. I got $5 back to spend on my next purchase, used a $4 coupon, and can also send it in for a rebate for $9.99. (Many stores were out in February when this razor was supposed to be free after rebate, so you can get the February deal this month combined with the March deal of $5 in register rewards). So, they paid me $9 to take this home.
2) Jane lip gloss and blush - On clearance, buy one get one free so cost $2.59 total for both. I used 2 $2 coupons, so they paid me to take this home. I might have to go back later this week for more.
3) 2 Sunsilk Mousse - 2 for $4.29, used 2 $2 coupons, so $0.29 total for both.
4) Garnier face moisturizer - Cost $12.99, used a $1 coupon, get $12.99 back in rebate, so I made $1.
5) Honey Nut Cheerios, on sale for $1.99, used $1 coupon
6) Walgreens Chapstick - $0.99 I had to throw this in because I had more coupons than items, and the cash register was beeping. The cashier was going to call a manager to void my whole purchase and ring it another way to make it work (She thought that she had to ring the Walgreens coupons first; I knew it was beeping because I had more coupons than items). We waited and waited. Finally, I asked her to ring the chapstick (the cheapest thing I could find within easy reach), and then try my coupon and it worked. The manager finally arrived as she was handing me my receipt.

Anyway, my total was $16.73. I got back $5 in Register Rewards to spend on my next purchase. I get back $22.98 in rebates, and I get back an extra 10%, $2.30, for putting my rebate on a Walgreens gift card instead of getting a check.


Molly said...

My head hurts.

Annette Feschbaum said...

Where do you get all of these coupons?????

EmilyV said...

M - I have some free Excedrin from a few weeks ago. :)

A - I walk around my neighborhood on Monday or so collecting all the leftover free papers from Thursday. They usually have 1 or (not all) of the inserts from Sunday's paper. So I have multiple copies of each coupon.

DreArt said...

teach me your ways, o wise one!!!

EmilyV said...

Drea - I think you need to move to the US first. I've heard Canada does not have the good coupons we get.

Mrs. Nichole J. said...

Good deals!