

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Reason #987 to Stockpile

As if I needed another reason/excuse for stocking my pantry and freezer with great deals, I found another one today when we had unexpected guests.

This morning for breakfast I made bacon (stocked up 2 weeks ago when it was 99 cents), pancakes (bought with a great coupon that Publix had back in November I think), fruit salad, milk (got for free at Walgreens earlier this week), and OJ (no worries if we run out, I have some in the freezer from Target last week).

Then, when our guests were still around at lunch time, out come the hamburgers (from the 5 lbs for $2 ground beef that I got), hotdogs (Buy one get one free), buns (manager's special at Kroger for $0.59), carrots ($1 in Kroger's 10 for $10 sale), ranch dip (made with $0.35 sour cream from Publix last week), mac and cheese (stocked up at $0.29 per box), and condiments (all $0.50 or less with coupons).

We didn't run out of anything despite feeding 2 extra people for breakfast and 3 extra people for lunch. And little did they know how cheaply I purchased all the food that I fed them with.

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